Interior Renovation Continues
It's been a while since we last posted about the ongoing renovations here at the library. If you've been in lately, you're well aware that we're not finished yet, but there has been considerable progress. Check out the photos below!
You'll notice our new, larger computer lab which consists of new chairs, tables, and wider monitors. With the tall book cases gone the hall is not only more spacious, but much brighter! We are also adding 4 computers which will arrive soon. The counter along the wall in the second photo will house the printer and new, user-friendly, scanning station.
Old Computer Lab |
The old computer lab has already been cleared and will become space for our teen fiction collection. The closet has also been emptied and will become the staging area used by our shelvers to sort items before they are shelved.
New Sitting Area |
Years ago the area above was a sitting area and since the teen material will be moved, this again will be used to house our newspapers and other magazines. Staff and patrons enjoy the large picture window we have looking toward Perry Road and now it can be enjoyed more fully while you read.
Main Reading Room |
The main reading room has also seen some changes which we think you'll enjoy. First, our large paperback collection has been moved to regular upright shelving, so you'll no longer need to spin the racks to locate a specific book. The collection remains in order by genre. With all of these standing spinning racks gone, we were able to increase the seating in this room by 10 or more by using the two tables which had been in the hall.
The fiction book shelves were also altered and you'll notice that there are more of them. The reference collection, as well as the paperbacks were moved to this area. The study booths from the hall can also be found in this room and will be electrified soon to provide outlets for laptops and other devices.
The new children's addition is also progressing nicely, but with the false wall between us and the new area, a photo isn't possible at this time. The construction part of the children's addition will continue for several weeks, after which the interior crew will take over.
Stay warm!