There are numerous resources for the small business owner, whether prospective or established. One such resource is SCORE, Service Corps of Retired Executives. And just as it sounds, it is a group of retired executives spread across the Unites States who volunteer their time and expertise counseling small business owners free of charge. If you need some advice from experienced business professionals please contact me by phone (810-694-5190) or email ( and I can put you in contact with a member of the Ann Arbor Area Chapter. They also regularly host free seminars, so please take advantage of this great resource.
The business world has long been referred to as a "boys club," but there are also resources specifically for female entrepreneurs. The Michigan Center for Empowerment and Economic Development, lead by award-winning Executive Director Michelle Richards, created Michigan Women's Marketplace, a site where women can network with one another; over 6,000 have joined so far. Ms. Richards is also the founder of the Women's Expo, which is taking place next weekend, October 5th and 6th.
Financial Expert Liz Weston, who will join us here at the Grand Blanc branch on Friday, October 5th will also appear at the Expo on Saturday, October 6th. Check out the video below for details.