Over the last 2 weeks the following books have been added to the GDL Business Center collection. Be the first to check them out!
1.The Better World Shopping Guide
2. Bleeding Talent: How the US Military Mismanages Great
Leaders and Why It’s Time For a Revolution
3. Boom, Bust, Boom: A Story about Copper, the Metal that Runs
the World
4. Breakthrough Marketing Plans
5. Changing Business From the Inside Out: A Treehugger’s Guide
to Working in Corporations
6. Ecothrifty: Cheaper, Greener Choices for a Happier,
Healthier Life
7. Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages
8. Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours
9. The Family Bank: The Family Guide to Financially Successful
10. How to Pay Zero Taxes, 2013 Edition
11. How to Eat an Elephant: Achieving Financial Success One Bite
at a Time
12. How to Start a Home-Based Massage Therapy Business
13. I Don’t Want to Go to College: Other Paths to Success
14. I’m in a Job Search, Now What???
15. If Money Could Shout: The Brutal Truth for Teens
16. Judgment on the Front Line: How Smart Companies Win by
Trusting Their People
17. Lawless Capitalism: The Subprime Crisis and the Case for an
Economic Rule of Law
18. Likeable Business: Why Today’s Consumers Demand More and How
Leaders Can Deliver
19. Louis Vuitton: The Making of Modern Luxury
20. Networking is Dead: Making Connections that Matter
21. The New Rules of Job Search
22. Online Video Revolution: How to Reinvent and Market Your
Business Using Video
23. The Org: The Underlying Logic of The Office
24. The Perfect Balance: How to Get Ahead Financially and Still Have
a Life
25. The Physics of Wall Street: A Brief History of Predicting
the Unpredictable
26. Principled Selling: How to Win More Business without Selling
Your Soul
27. Second-Act Careers: 50+ Ways to Profit From Your Passions
During Semi Retirement
28. Stock Market Rules, 4th Edition
29. The Sustainability Generation: The Politics of Change and
Why Personal Accountability is Essential Now!
30. Sustaining Cities: Urban Policies, Practices, and
31. Wealth Regeneration at Retirement: Planning for a Lifetime
of Leadership
32. Working in Your Major: How to Find a Great Job When You